--------------- DXCCs Worked ----------------------
SM:   5    OZ:   3    DL:   2    

-------------- Squares Worked ---------------------
JO45: 2    JO5Ø: 1    JO55: 1    JO64: 1    JO86: 1    
JO58: 1    JO77: 1    JO97: 1    JO65: 1    

              QSOs   QSO Pts   SQRS     Score   DXCC   AVG DX     ODX
Claimed         10     71835      9     76335    3      287.3Km    597Km DB6NT/JO5ØVJ
Calculated      10     72075      9     76575    3      288.3Km    597Km DB6NT/JO5ØVJ

-- Calculated TOTAL score differs from claimed TOTAL score by 240
-- Calculated QSO SCORE differs from claimed QSO score by 240

"59(9)" received:    10%
"59(9)" transmitted: 0%
                                              Points           RS(T)
QSO# Time         Callsign        Locator   LOG  ROBOT Mode   TX  RX  DXCC, Additional information from parser
#001 210622 17:28 OZ1DLD          JO45RL   7476    300 CW     529 529 OZ (Denmark)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -7176! 
#002 210622 17:34 OZ1FF           JO45BO   9551    383 CW     519 519 OZ (Denmark)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -9168! 
#003 210622 17:54 DB6NT           JO5ØVJ  14901    597 CW     539 539 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -14304! 
#004 210622 18:00 OZ1OY           JO55FN   5876    236 CW     559 539 OZ (Denmark)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -5640! 
#005 210622 18:14 DJ1LP           JO64DB   5176    208 CW     559 559 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -4968! 
#006 210622 18:41 SM7LCB          JO86GH   4176    168 CW     539 539 SM (Sweden)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -4008! 
#007 210622 18:54 SM6VTZ          JO58UJ   8726    350 CW     519 539 SM (Sweden)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -8376! 
#008 210622 20:15 SM7GEP          JO77IP   5826    234 CW     559 599 SM (Sweden)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -5592! 
#009 210622 20:15 SM1HOW          JO97GL   8501    341 CW     539 539 SM (Sweden)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -8160! 
#010 210622 20:24 SM7ECM          JO65PU   1626     66 CW     559 559 SM (Sweden)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -1560!