--------------- DXCCs Worked ----------------------
DL:   4    EU:   1    SM:   1    OH:   1    OK:   1    

-------------- Squares Worked ---------------------
KO34: 1    JO89: 1    KP21: 1    JN89: 1    JO51: 1    
JO6Ø: 1    JO64: 1    JO33: 1    

              QSOs   QSO Pts   SQRS     Score   DXCC   AVG DX     ODX
Claimed          9      8014      9     12514    5      890.4Km   2Ø85Km DL2YBF/JN41OK
Calculated       8      5929      8      9929    5      741.1Km   1126Km OK2CLL/JN89HL

-- Calculated valid QSO COUNT differs from claimed QSO COUNT by -1
-- Calculated TOTAL score differs from claimed TOTAL score by -2585
-- Calculated QSO SCORE differs from claimed QSO score by -2085
-- Calculated SQUARES differs from claimed SQUARES by -1

"59(9)" received:    63%
"59(9)" transmitted: 75%
                                              Points           RS(T)
QSO# Time         Callsign        Locator   LOG  ROBOT Mode   TX  RX  DXCC, Additional information from parser
#001 210701 17:07 EW2BZ           KO34OD    883    883 CW     599 599 EU (Belarus) 
#002 210701 17:10 SM5LSM          JO89GO      5      5 CW     599 599 SM (Sweden) 
#003 210701 17:12 OH5ZA           KP21SA    516    516 CW     599 559 OH (Finland) 
#004 210701 17:25 DL2YBF          JN41OK   2085      0 CW     579 599 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany)  -- locator/dxcc mismatch. JN41 is not valid for this DXCC 
#005 210701 17:35 OK2CLL          JN89HL   1126   1126 CW     599 579 OK (Czech Republic) 
#006 210701 17:49 DL6ZXG          JO51KU    934    934 CW     559 599 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany) 
#007 210701 17:50 DL1VJL          JO6ØVX    976    976 CW     599 599 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany) 
#008 210701 17:56 DM4EA           JO64NL    608    608 CW     559 579 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany) 
#009 210701 17:59 DG8HJ           JO33OO    881    881 CW     599 599 DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany)