--------------- DXCCs Worked ----------------------
OH:   10   UA:   5    SM:   2    OHØ:  1    YL:   1    

-------------- Squares Worked ---------------------
KPØ1: 3    KP1Ø: 3    KP11: 2    KO57: 1    KO47: 1    
KO49: 1    KPØØ: 1    KO37: 1    JP71: 1    JP8Ø: 1    
KP41: 1    KO58: 1    KO48: 1    KP21: 1    

              QSOs   QSO Pts   SQRS     Score   DXCC   AVG DX     ODX
Claimed         19        19     15       266    5      315.5Km    711Km SM4DXO/JP71SB
Calculated      19        19     14       266    5          1Km    711Km SM4DXO/JP71SB

-- Calculated SQUARES differs from claimed SQUARES by -1

"59(9)" received:    0%
"59(9)" transmitted: 0%
WARNING: TDate indicates that this log starts on '20210709', while the selected contest starts on '20210707'

                                              Points           RS(T)
QSO# Time         Callsign        Locator   LOG  ROBOT Mode   TX  RX  DXCC, Additional information from parser
#001 210707 17:04 RV1CB           KO57QX    255    255 Other  53  53  UA (European Russia) 
#002 210707 17:08 OH1TP           KPØ1SU    442    442 Other  -15 -11 OH (Finland) 
#003 210707 17:13 OH1SM           KPØ1MM    447    446 Other  -17 -13 OH (Finland)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -1! 
#004 210707 17:16 OG4X            KP1ØMM    303    302 Other  +13 +10 OH (Finland)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -1! 
#005 210707 17:18 OH1OP           KP1ØCR    352    352 Other  +01 +12 OH (Finland) 
#006 210707 17:29 OH1FOL          KP11MM    356    356 Other  +01 -01 OH (Finland) 
#007 210707 17:30 OH1MP           KPØ1VM    411    411 Other  -05 +03 OH (Finland) 
#008 210707 17:33 UA1WAN          KO47MM    228    226 Other  -09 +10 UA (European Russia)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by -2! 
#009 210707 17:43 OH1MN           KP1ØFO    335    335 Other  -16 -11 OH (Finland) 
#010 210707 17:52 RA1D            KO49KJ     49     49 Other  -22 -10 UA (European Russia) 
#011 210707 17:57 OHØAZX          KPØØIF    418    418 Other  57  55  OH0 (Aland Islands) 
#012 210707 18:04 YL2FZ           KO37QI    240    240 Other  -12 +10 YL (Latvia) 
#013 210707 18:45 SAØCAN          JO99CH      0      0 Other  -26 -25 SM (Sweden)  -- Zero points claimed, not counting QSO. 
#014 210707 18:54 SM4DXO          JP71SB    711    711 Other  -21 -14 SM (Sweden) 
#015 210707 19:00 SM5EPO          JP8ØMC    619    619 Other  -13 -10 SM (Sweden) 
#016 210707 19:05 OH5WY           KP41BA    172    172 Other  -15 -04 OH (Finland) 
#017 210707 19:07 RN1TU           KO58MM    202    203 Other  -18 -21 UA (European Russia)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by 1! 
#018 210707 19:22 OH3HWX          KP11MM    356    356 Other  -09 +01 OH (Finland) 
#019 210707 19:37 UA1ASA          KO48GH    133    133 Other  +02 +05 UA (European Russia) 
#020 210707 19:50 OH6MAZ          KP21MM    280    281 Other  +17 +00 OH (Finland)  -- calculated points differs from claimed by 1!