--------------- DXCCs Worked ----------------------
SM:   2    

-------------- Squares Worked ---------------------
JO57: 2    

              QSOs   QSO Pts   SQRS     Score   DXCC   AVG DX     ODX
Claimed          2        16      1       516    1          8Km     11Km SM6IQD/JO57VR
Calculated       2        16      1       516    1          8Km     11Km SM6IQD/JO57VR

"59(9)" received:    50%
"59(9)" transmitted: 0%

WARNING: Your base call (SM6NZB) has already been given points in this contest, from the "SM6NZB" log. This log will not count towards "Best-of-9" nor the club competition. Points RS(T) QSO# Time Callsign Locator LOG ROBOT Mode TX RX DXCC, Additional information from parser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #001 230919 17:55 SM6IQD JO57VR 11 11 MGM 53 54 SM (Sweden) #002 230919 18:12 SM6WHY JO57XR 5 5 MGM 58 59 SM (Sweden)