Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest de SM1FMT A contest with lot's of interupt for me. Late start but some enhanched conds towards SM/OZ. Heard but NOT wkd: OZ2LD more than 10min without a QRZ, OZ1BGZ vy short reflection, SM7ECM heard and got QRZ. For first time I had the feeling I hear better than I reach out the TX signals... maybe blowed PA-modul??? I have to investigate. Some new callsigns in logg at 1G3 from my SM1 QTH: SM4RPP/4, SM4DHN, Vy welcome :-))) Tried even with ES1NA and SM4SJY, Nil response... At 10G only -CT and -FZH wkd, heard 5QA but he didn't heard me... I wkd 10G from my garden this time and a lot of vy wet trees towrds SM0 made the QSOs hard to get complete. 73 es Cuagn de Janne/SM1FMT _______________________________________________________________________ Contest: NAC Microwave Contest Call: SM1FMT Section: A Loc : JO97FS Date: 20000919 -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Band | TOTAL | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB KM | | 1.3G | 6238 | 17 3538 | 0 | 9 2700 | SM4DXO 403 | | 10G | 2405 | 2 1805 | 0 | 2 600 | SK0CT 184 | | MULTI | 2405 | 2 1805 | 0 | 2 600 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Station description : 1.3G : IC730s+ 2X Transv. Nf 0.65dB/Pout 15W/55el Tonna 10G : IC202s+Transv. Nf?/Pout 0.5W GaAs FET/30cm Dish ----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G---- DX Date Time Call Loc Bnd Mod QRB QTE 1 20000919 1817 SM4DXO JP71SB 1.3G CW 403 337 2 20000919 1728 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G CW 398 350 3 20000919 1810 SM4DHN JP60VA 1.3G CW 368 315 4 20000919 1813 SM4RPP/4 JO79HM 1.3G CW 296 313 5 20000919 1804 OH0A JP90XD 1.3G SSB 279 17 6 20000919 2042 SM5FHF JO89TV 1.3G SSB 242 349 7 20000919 2036 SM5EFP JO79WJ 1.3G SSB 236 321 8 20000919 1729 SM0DFP JO89VL 1.3G SSB 195 349 9 20000919 1736 SM5QA JO89WJ 1.3G SSB 185 350 10 20000919 1800 SK0CT JO89XJ 1.3G SSB 184 351 Worked Locator JO79: 2 JO86: 1 JO89: 4 JO97: 3 JO99: 3 JP60: 1 JP71: 1 JP81: 1 JP90: 1 Worked DXCC SM:16 OH0: 1 ----10G----10G----10G----10G----10G----10G----10G----10G---- DX Date Time Call Loc Bnd Mod QRB QTE 1 20000919 1911 SK0CT JO89XJ 10G CW 184 351 2 20000919 1900 SM0FZH JO99HI 10G CW 177 3 Worked Locator JO89: 1 JO99: 1 Worked DXCC SM: 2 ----------------------------------------------------------- [LOGGER 1.10 by Ulf/SM0LCB]