During sunday afternoon i got rid of a bad koax and it fixed the SWR. Very Good signals from SM4DHN, SM3BEI, SM3AKW. SM0FZH and OH0JFP were strong even on the backside of the Parabol, working into DL/PA over my head..... SM0DFP signed off from me and then worked OK2B-something / 73 Tommy Contest: NAC Microwave Contest Call: SK7CA Section: A Loc : JO86DQ Date: 20010116 -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Band | TOTAL | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB KM | | 1.3G | 7806 | 16 4806 | 0 | 10 3000 | SM3AKW 667 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- DX Date Time Call Loc Bnd Mod QRB QTE 1 20010116 1812 SM3AKW JP92AO 1.3G CW 667 8 2 20010116 1833 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G CW 513 5 3 20010116 1926 OH0JFP JP90XC 1.3G SSB 437 28 4 20010116 1836 SM4DHN JP60VA 1.3G SSB 400 340 5 20010116 2031 OZ2LD JO54TU 1.3G CW 357 237 6 20010116 1815 SM0FZH JO99HI 1.3G SSB 328 24 7 20010116 1930 SM0DFP JO89VL 1.3G CW 324 15 8 20010116 1820 SM0Q JO89XG 1.3G CW 305 18 9 20010116 2041 OZ6OL JO65DJ 1.3G CW 288 242 10 20010116 2033 SK7MW JO65MJ 1.3G SSB 249 236 Worked Locator JO54: 1 JO65: 2 JO89: 2 JO96: 1 JO97: 5 JO99: 1 JP60: 1 JP81: 1 JP90: 1 JP92: 1 Worked DXCC SM:13 OH0: 1 OZ: 2 [LOGGER 1.10 by Ulf/SM0LCB]