Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest          de SM0LCB/7
Hello,, why writting any comment to this contest..
The new transverter on 1.3G seems to work fine.  
Still less then 10 W output power but hoppfully it
will be more next summer. The RX part worked much
better but the conds seems worst then last contest
so very bad result in the contest...             
One contest to go from Öland and I hope the conds
will be better. If not I will only work 1.3G and 
not spend any time on the higher band. If I hear 
the Gotland beacon on 10G I may go on the higher 
Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SM0LCB/7
Section: A                                 Loc : JO86GH
                                           Date: 20010717
|  Band | TOTAL  | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB          KM |
|  1.3G |   4062 |  10   2262 |   1 |   6   1800 | SM0DFP      360 |
|  5.7G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
|   10G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
| MULTI |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |                 |
Station description :
1.3G : IC-706+xverter, 120W, 23 el Tonna
5.7G :
 10G : IC-290E+xverter, 1mW, Horn antenna
DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20010717 1839 SM0DFP         JO89VL 1.3G CW     360  11
 2  20010717 1851 SM5QA          JO89WJ 1.3G CW     352  12
 3  20010717 1957 OZ2LD          JO54TU 1.3G CW     349 244
 4  20010717 2009 SK7MW          JO65MJ 1.3G CW     242 246
 5  20010717 1855 SM7ECM         JO65NQ 1.3G CW     224 253
 6  20010717 1740 SM1FMT         JO97FS 1.3G SSB    200  35
 7  20010717 1755 SM1HPV         JO97HO 1.3G CW     192  40
 8  20010717 1744 SM1HOW         JO97GL 1.3G SSB    178  42
 9  20010717 1701 SK1BL          JO96BW 1.3G SSB    120  54
10  20010717 1716 SK7CA          JO86DQ 1.3G SSB     45 340
Worked Locator
JO54: 1 JO65: 2 JO86: 1 JO89: 2 JO96: 1 JO97: 3
Worked DXCC
SM  : 9 OZ  : 1
Heard Station
1818z:SM5FHF       1832z:SM3BEI       2017z:OZ6OL       
Released LOGGER 1.10 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB