Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest          de SM0LCB
Nice with outdoor antenna and rotor controlled!  
Well not so much time left to activate the radio.
New station and good antenna. Still bad rx...    
But I know that 3 dB antenna feeder is not good  
on this bands....                                
Think I heard SK7MW answering my CQ call during  
the last 5 min of the contest but I'm not sure   
and I didn't heard them again...                 
Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SM0LCB
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89XI
                                           Date: 20020416
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |    4131 |  15   1731 |   0 |   8   2400 | SM7ECM       500 |
Station description :
1.3G : IC706+ xverter, 7W, 48 el Loopyagi

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020416 1921 SM7ECM         JO65NQ 1.3G CW     500 217
 2  20020416 2030 SM3BEI         JP81NG 1.3G CW     219 348
 3  20020416 2017 SM4L           JP70WS 1.3G SSB    196 325
 4  20020416 1737 SM1BSA         JO97DP 1.3G CW     191 174
 5  20020416 1954 SM4DXO         JP70VO 1.3G CW     184 320
 6  20020416 2013 SM3LBN         JP80IO 1.3G CW     156 334
 7  20020416 1939 OH0JFP         KP00AB 1.3G CW     141  55
 8  20020416 1803 SM0FZH         JO99HI 1.3G SSB     38  90
 9  20020416 1947 SM0NTJ         JO99DN 1.3G CW      30  39
10  20020416 1727 SK0UX          JO99BM 1.3G CW      21  27
Worked Locator
JO65: 1 JO89: 3 JO97: 1 JO99: 5 JP70: 2 JP80: 1 JP81: 1
KP00: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  :14 OH0 : 1
Heard Station
LOGGER 1.15 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB