Tnx for all nice QSO's yesterday, REALY NICE CONDX !!!
Big problem, no time to work all bands !!
Had NO time with a few chaps phoning me,
Also when QSY to different bands, much time spent searching for
the other station, and often no QSO !!
This way very litle time for 1296 stations !
Too much time spent in telephone !!
Also a few had no time for ME to QSY 2G3/10G after QSO on 12976 !!!
On 1296 very good condx, SM6DJH and SM6EAN came through
towards OH very poor, bad activity as usual !!! but condx OK !!
Only 2 OH, OH2AXH and OH6QR, OH6NVQ was QRV in the end,
did not succed with him.
ES2WX was 59+++ all evening, but heard no other ES.
Also condx tonite !!!
I am QRV nearly 24 hrs/day, all week mostly !! retired !!
call me if possibility for nice QSO's when condx !!
Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest          de SM3BEI
Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SM3BEI
Section: A                                 Loc : JP81NG
                                           Date: 20020521
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |   12785 |  25   7385 |   0 |  18   5400 | SK7CA        512 |
|  2.3G |    2404 |   3   1804 |   0 |   2    600 | SM1A/1       486 |
|   10G |    6755 |   6   5855 |   0 |   3    900 | SM0FZH       229 |
| MULTI |    9159 |   9   7659 |   0 |   5   1500 |                  |
Station description :
1.3G : TS 940 + xvtr, PA 125 W Out, 4 x 55 el Tonna
2.3G : TS 940 + xvtr, 10 W Out, 4 x 27 el Tonna
 10G : TS 940 + xvtr, 10 W Out, 60 cm dish

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020521 1733 SK7CA          JO86DQ 1.3G CW     512 186
 2  20020521 1944 SM6EAN         JO57WQ 1.3G CW     497 219
 3  20020521 1928 SM1A/1         JO96BW 1.3G CW     486 173
 4  20020521 1930 SM1NVW         JO96BW 1.3G CW     486 173
 5  20020521 1823 ES2WX          KO29JN 1.3G CW     462 111
 6  20020521 1744 SM6DJH         JO58PI 1.3G CW     460 228
 7  20020521 1820 OH2AXH         KP20OK 1.3G CW     448  98
 8  20020521 2050 SM1NJC         JO97DO 1.3G CW     414 170
 9  20020521 1724 SM1BSA         JO97DP 1.3G CW     409 170
10  20020521 1816 OH6QR          KP22BN 1.3G CW     394  66
Worked Locator
JO57: 1 JO58: 1 JO79: 1 JO86: 1 JO89: 3 JO96: 2 JO97: 2
JO98: 1 JO99: 2 JP70: 2 JP80: 1 JP81: 1 JP92: 1 KO29: 1
KP00: 1 KP03: 2 KP20: 1 KP22: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  :21 OH  : 2 ES  : 1 OH0 : 1

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020521 2044 SM1A/1         JO96BW 2.3G CW     486 173
 2  20020521 1938 SM5QA          JO89WJ 2.3G CW     213 168
 3  20020521 1707 SM0DFP         JO89VL 2.3G CW     203 169
Worked Locator
JO89: 2 JO96: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  : 3

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020521 1741 SM0FZH         JO99HI 10G  SSB    229 158
 2  20020521 2028 SK0CT          JO89XJ 10G  CW     214 167
 3  20020521 1941 SM5QA          JO89WJ 10G  CW     213 168
 4  20020521 1705 SM0DFP         JO89VL 10G  CW     203 169
 5  20020521 1700 SM3AKW         JP92AO 10G  CW     156  18
 6  20020521 1754 SM5FHF         JO89TV 10G  CW     156 170
Worked Locator
JO89: 4 JO99: 1 JP92: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  : 6
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