Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest 73 de SM6VTZ@SVESSA.SE Hi all! I was only qrv the first hour because of thunderstorms. So i hope for better weatherconditions next 1,3GHz NAC. Maybe iŽll be QRV from U-A Watertower next NAC. But before that i must make a yagi, and fix some new koax. The takeoff is outstanding, so maybe it will be som new squares. 73 de SM6VTZ/Christian Please mail for skeds on 1296MHz next NAC. _______________________________________________________________________ Contest: NAC Microwave Contest Call: SM6VTZ Section: A Loc : JO58XJ Date: 20020618 -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Band | TOTAL | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB KM | | 1.3G | 823 | 2 223 | 0 | 2 600 | LA2Z 144 | | 2.3G | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | | 5.7G | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | | 10G | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | | 24G | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | | MULTI | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 0 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Station description : 1.3G : FT-736R 10W+1,2m Dish+SP23 NF0,8 13Magl 142Masl 2.3G : Not QRV 5.7G : Not QRV 10G : Not QRV 24G : Not QRV ----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G----1.3G---- DX Date Time Call Loc Bnd Mod QRB QTE 1 20020618 1848 LA2Z JO59EJ 1.3G SSB 144 321 2 20020618 1837 SM6EAN JO57WQ 1.3G CW 79 184 Worked Locator JO57: 1 JO59: 1 Worked DXCC SM : 1 LA : 1 Heard Station ----------------------------------------------------------- LOGGER 1.11 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB