Comment on contest NAC MIKRO 0020716 de SK0UX
Nice conds to east and southeast.
Got the first YL ever in my log on 23cm.
Had some problems with tuning the frequency during
the contest. Turned very slow, unsteady, sometimes
when trying to increase the frequency it decreased
instead... Sometimes jumped about 10kc at once.
To put it mildly, it was a bit hard to tune across
the band looking for new stations!
I am using a Kenwood TS790E, any ideas?
(It's not the vfo-wheel that is loose!)
73:s /Hans SMOMXO
Contest: NAC MIKRO 020716                  Call: SK0UX
Section: A                                 Loc : JO99BM
                                           Date: 20020716
|  Band | TOTAL  | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB          KM |
|  1.3G |  10671 |  22   6171 |   0 |  15   4500 | SK7MW       552 |
|  2.3G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
|  5.7G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
|   10G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
|   24G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
| MULTI |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |                 |
Station description :
1.3G : 100w 55ele Yagi/3m dish
DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020716 1917 SK7MW          JO65MJ 1.3G CW     552 216
 2  20020716 1929 SM7ECM         JO65NQ 1.3G CW     521 217
 3  20020716 1802 YL3AG          KO26AW 1.3G CW     451 127
 4  20020716 1902 ES2NJ          KO29NK 1.3G CW     397  88
 5  20020716 2040 ES2JL          KO29LL 1.3G CW     387  88
 6  20020716 1748 ES2NA          KO29JL 1.3G CW     378  88
 7  20020716 1904 ES1RF/3        KO29IF 1.3G CW     376  92
 8  20020716 1700 SM0LCB/7       JO86GH 1.3G CW     370 195
 9  20020716 1958 SM3AKW         JP92AO 1.3G CW     344 359
10  20020716 1946 OH2BUF         KP20AG 1.3G CW     342  73
Worked Locators
JO65: 2 JO79: 1 JO86: 2 JO89: 2 JO96: 1 JO97: 2 JO99: 1 JP70: 1
JP71: 1 JP81: 1 JP92: 1 KO26: 1 KO29: 4 KP00: 1 KP20: 1
Worked DXCC
SM:15 OH0: 1 ES: 4 YL: 1 OH: 1
[LOGGER 1.00 by Ulf/SM0LCB]