From: "Koivurinne Jari HPO" To: Subject: Activity MW OH3UW Date: den 22 augusti 2002 07:52 Hello! I participated the contest with hurry, forget to check mail and decided to work just couple of hours at local old ski-jumping hill. Conditions were good, but guite heavy wind up there. Wind was growing up all the time and finally i had to disassembly the station at 19.30 UTC. Wind was about 15m/s !! So i missed most of good DX and activity. Thanks to Carl SM3AKW for trying to battle against high wind. Maybe next time... To my surprise wind was nonexistent at ground level although the hill is just 45m high!! Now I´m thinking about to build another 10G station at home that will allow me to work whenever I am at home. No matter the conditions and weather. More activity, more power, bigger dish, computer... and more happy XYL ! CU de Jari OH3UW