First time with SK7MW in our 23 cm log. Also very nice catching SM7ECM; our grateful thoughts goes to the domestic airline services!
Thanks to SK0CT for loan of microwaveequiment.
73 de Eric - SM1TDE @ SL0ZS
Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SL0ZS
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89XJ
                                           Date: 20021119
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |    2581 |  10   1381 |   0 |   4   1200 | SK7MW        534 |
Responsible operator :
Stockholms läns FRO-förbund               Phone: +46-8-6240497           
Box 27803                                 BBS  :                         
SE-11593   Stockholm                      Club : SL0ZS                   
Sweden                Email:                           
Station description :
1.3G : Kenwood TS-790E, NF 1.5dB, 30W, 48 el YAGI
I hereby certify that this station was operated within the rules
and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.
LOGGER 1.16  DATE: ............ SIGNED .........................
Date     Time Call           Tx  Rx  Loc    Bnd  Mod  LDM Pnts
20021119 1801 SM0BSO/P       59  59  JO89XJ 1.3G SSB  LD      1
20021119 1802 SM0UMU         59  59  JO99CE 1.3G SSB  L      28
20021119 1815 SK0CT          59  59  JO89XJ 1.3G SSB          1
20021119 1818 SM0DFP         59  59  JO89VL 1.3G SSB         14
20021119 1834 SM0IKR         42  42  JO99AF 1.3G SSB         20
20021119 1915 SM0NCL         559 559 JO99AK 1.3G CW           7
20021119 1929 SM3BEI         559 549 JP81NG 1.3G CW   L     214
20021119 2006 SM7ECM         559 519 JO65NQ 1.3G CW   L     503
20021119 2019 SM5FHF         589 599 JO89TV 1.3G CW          59
20021119 2108 SK7MW          559 559 JO65MJ 1.3G CW         534
LOGGER 1.16 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB

Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SL0ZS/P
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89XJ
                                           Date: 20021119
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  2.3G |     340 |   3     40 |   0 |   1    300 | SM0DFP        14 |
|  5.7G |     380 |   3     80 |   0 |   1    300 | SM0DFP        14 |
|   10G |     400 |   3    100 |   0 |   1    300 | SM0DFP        14 |
|   24G |       0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |                0 |
| MULTI |    1120 |   9    220 |   0 |   3    900 |                  |
Responsible operator :
Stockholms läns FRO-förbund               Phone: +46-8-6240497           
Box 27803                                 BBS  :                         
SE-11593   Stockholm                      Club : SL0ZS                   
Sweden                Email:                           
Station description :
2.3G : SK0CT rover
5.7G :
 10G :
 24G :
I hereby certify that this station was operated within the rules
and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.
LOGGER 1.16  DATE: ............ SIGNED .........................
Date     Time Call           Tx  Rx  Loc    Bnd  Mod  LDM Pnts
20021119 1833 SM0DFP         59  59  JO89VL 2.3G SSB  LD     28
20021119 1833 SK0CT          59  59  JO89XJ 2.3G SSB          2
20021119 1835 SK0CT          59  59  JO89XJ 5.7G SSB  LD      4
20021119 1835 SM0DFP         59  59  JO89VL 5.7G SSB         56
20021119 1836 SK0CT          59  59  JO89XJ  10G SSB  LD      5
20021119 1836 SM0DFP         59  59  JO89VL  10G SSB         70
20021119 1845 SM5QA          59  59  JO89WJ  10G SSB         25
20021119 1848 SM5QA          59  55  JO89WJ 5.7G SSB         20
20021119 1849 SM5QA          59  59  JO89WJ 2.3G SSB         10
LOGGER 1.16 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB