Utdrag från NRAU mötet gällande VHF frågor. 13. VHF/UHF/SHF Baltic/Nordic Fieldday There has not been much Baltic or Nordic activity in this event. No interest has either been detected from any society to organise the activity. Thus, it is agreed to abandon this event. 14. Introduction of serial numbers in the Nordic Activity Contests (NAC) There are arguments for and against. At the present time the NAC is a relatively informal activity and many stations take part as casual participants. Exchange with serial numbers is likely to fend some of these off from taking part. Furthermore, serial numbers add to the length of the QSO, which for some communication modes is undesirable. Thus, it is agreed to leave serial numbers out in the contest exchange. 15. Change of NAC Microwave contest dates On the third Tuesday of each month a 1296 MHz contest will take place, but earlier this date was used for a contest on 1296 MHz and up. The fourth Tuesday of every month will continue to be reserved for the 50 MHz contest, as before, but at the same time the new “2.3 GHz and up” contest will take place. This proposed change was agreed upon and should take effect at the beginning of next year, 2003. 16. Implementation of contest rules Implementation of these rules and changes to them has sometimes not been executed in the past, due to various reasons. By now this has been put under control and will be followed up on in the future. Information about all Nordic contests will be exchanged between VHF contest managers soon. It would be useful to translate the contest rules of each country to English, for comparison and to ensure conformity. 17. Sponsor for NAC? ( Seven - Eleven / NZB) The idea was discussed, partly with some humorous overtones. In the conclusion there was not interest for taking this further. 18. Use of digital modes in contests Digital modes should in general be acceptable in contests. The contest rules should reflect this and the frequencies should reflect the band-plans. 19. A Nordic locator award? There are already award programs organised by individual countries and the consensus was that little interest would be for an common Nordic locator award. However, it would be wise to make the national locator awards better known, such as through the publications of the national societies.