About average for us on 23 cm. Thanks to Pontus/SM0SBI who tried to pilot us to OZ2LD and OZ6OL; unfortunately we couldn´t hear either of them.
Nice with two new firsts: SM1HPV and SM1MUT.
CU on 6m on Tuesday.
73 de Eric - SM1TDE and the SL0ZS contestteam.
Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SL0ZS
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89XJ
                                           Date: 20030318
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |    4009 |  17   1909 |   0 |   7   2100 | SM7ECM       503 |
Responsible operator :
Stockholms läns FRO-förbund               Phone: +46-8-6240497           
Box 27803                                 BBS  :                         
SE-11593   Stockholm                      Club : SL0ZS                   
Sweden                Email: SL0ZS@fro.se                           
Station description :
1.3G : Kenwood TS-790E, NF 1.5dB, 30W, 48 el YAGI
I hereby certify that this station was operated within the rules
and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.
LOGGER 1.16  DATE: ............ SIGNED .........................
Date     Time Call           Tx  Rx  Loc    Bnd  Mod  LDM Pnts
20030318 1800 SM0FZH         599 599 JO99HI 1.3G CW   LD     39
20030318 1801 SK0UX          59  59  JO99BM 1.3G SSB         17
20030318 1803 SK0CT          59  59  JO89XJ 1.3G SSB  L       1
20030318 1805 SM0FMY         59  59  JO89XI 1.3G SSB          5
20030318 1819 SM3BEI         559 559 JP81NG 1.3G CW   L     214
20030318 1831 SM0DFP         599 599 JO89VL 1.3G CW          14
20030318 1835 SM0LCB         599 599 JO89XI 1.3G CW           5
20030318 1852 SK6EI          539 529 JO68VK 1.3G CW   L     262
20030318 1859 SM0SBI         599 599 JO99CF 1.3G CW          24
20030318 1911 SM1MUT         519 529 JO97CJ 1.3G CW   L     223
20030318 1921 SM0UMU         59  59  JO99CE 1.3G SSB         28
20030318 1954 SM1NJC         419 519 JO97DO 1.3G CW         201
20030318 2004 SM1HPV         419 449 JO97HO 1.3G CW         203
20030318 2016 SM7ECM         559 529 JO65NQ 1.3G CW   L     503
20030318 2021 SM5AFS         579 559 JO99AH 1.3G CW          11
20030318 2116 SM0IKR         59  55  JO99AF 1.3G SSB         20
20030318 2140 OH0JFP         559 559 KP00AB 1.3G CW   LD    139
LOGGER 1.16 (http://welcome.to/logger) by Ulf/SM0LCB