Subject: [VUSHF] 144 MHz NAC report de LA1T Date: den 2 juli 2003 21:53 Contestreport LA1T Locator: JO59FB Comments: A rather wet and windy evening under our temporary test tent! Pour conditions due to the bad weather, but despite this we were rather pleased with the result and the performance of our equipment! Among others we were very pleased to work LA8KV in JP52 and LA1K on JP53. Fun to work "DX" within LA. Total pts: 62963 No. of qsos worked: 121 No. of dxccs worked: 7 No. of squares worked: 43 DXCCS worked: DL(14) LA(15) OH( 1) OH0( 1) OZ(25) SM(63) SP( 2) SQUARES worked: JO33( 2) JO42( 1) JO43( 2) JO44( 3) JO45( 4) JO46( 2) JO47( 3) JO48( 1) JO49( 3) JO52( 1) JO53( 1) JO54( 5) JO55( 5) JO56( 2) JO57( 4) JO58( 4) JO59( 7) JO64( 2) JO65( 7) JO66( 2) JO67( 3) JO68( 7) JO69( 7) JO72( 1) JO77( 2) JO78( 3) JO79( 2) JO86( 5) JO87( 1) JO89( 3) JO94( 2) JO96( 1) JO97( 3) JO99( 3) JP50( 2) JP52( 1) JP53( 1) JP70( 4) JP71( 1) JP80( 1) JP81( 5) JP90( 1) KP02( 1) TOP 10 qso points: DD3SP JO72EN 764 km DG7OV JO42PI 750 km DK9OY JO52CK 738 km SP2IQW JO94GM 705 km SP4CHY/2 JO94GO 698 km OH6KTL KP02OJ 692 km DJ5JD JO33RM 644 km DL9OM JO33OO 640 km DC0NAC JO43VI 637 km DL1SUN JO53PN 614 km