Contest Report from SK7MW in JO65MJ at 1,3 GHz
Date    : 2003 Oct 21
Section : A
Comment: Bad Conds ! Deep QSB ! Had many SKED's, SMS-sked workes fine!
                Our RX/TX relay is not OK, after 3 QSO's the pre went ded, but it was the
                relay - phuu! Vy few DL's QRV. More and more OZ's are QRV - Thank's.
                Vy small sigs from SM1- tnx MUT o HOW for QSO. Heard BEI-219, LBN
                a little better! TNX to all other for QSO's - 44 is not bad.
                Hope to work U all in NAC-Micro next week after a tripp to SM0,OH0 and OH
                over the weekend!
                Vy 73 ssss from, soon a snowy Alp^^ !!????
TX      : IC756proII + 2x transverters o PA, 125 W
RX      : DD1XF HEMT
Antenna :4,5m dish+ 4 X 23el, 25 mAGL, 45 mASL
Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995,
QSOs    :   44
-invalid:    0                                       Points/valid QSO
-valid  :   44     QSO-points (*1)    :     15748                 358
WWLs    :   23     WWL bonus (300)    :      6900                 157
DXCCs   :    4     DXCC bonus (0)     :         0                   0
                   ------------------------------              ------
                   Total score        :     22648                 515
ODX     : PA0WWM in JO22FE at 667 km
Worked DXCCs:
DL  :   6   OZ  :  11   PA  :   5   SM  :  22  
Top  QSO-points:
20031021 1743 PA0WWM         559      559             JO22FE      667
20031021 1734 PA0EHG         55       55              JO22HB      666
20031021 1733 PA5DD          569      569             JO22IC      659
20031021 1735 PA0EZ          53       55              JO22OF      623
20031021 2014 SM3LBN         419      559             JP80IO      618
20031021 1729 DL6NAA         559      559             JO50VF      581