Contest Report from SK7MW in JO65MJ at 1,3 GHz
Date    : 2003 Nov 18
Section : A
QTH     : MOGGLARP ALP^^ ( 20m ASL )
Comment : JJEEERRRRKKK.... 1hour50min RX ca -40db. Went QRT ! SM7GEP called ( thank's Geppen!! )
          said he had the same prbolem earlyer. -It's those bloddy "toosmall" Pin-diodes on the output
          of the DB6NT transverter. Take it away and put in a 1N4148!! I said KE?????? 1N4148!!! OK, Hakan said
          it's OK, so we tryed and WOW, a new 23cm opened up for us, HI ! So now we know 1N4148 it a great
          little diod!
          First I like to apologyes for all missed sked's. The whole ALP were uppside down, HI.
          I belive cond's were above normal - or we were just lycky with the airplanes !
          36 QSO's in abt 2hour's is good. Thank's to all who called making the evening nice in the end!
          Hope To work U all neext week on 13,6,3cm !!
          Best 73 sss from The Alp^^

TX      : IC-756, 125 W
RX      : DB6NT HEMT
Antenna : 4 X 23EL, 25 mAGL, 45 mASL
Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995,
QSOs    :   36
-invalid:    0                                       Points/valid QSO
-valid  :   36     QSO-points (*1)    :     13179                 366
WWLs    :   19     WWL bonus (300)    :      5700                 158
DXCCs   :    4     DXCC bonus (0)     :         0                   0
                   ------------------------------              ------
                   Total score        :     18879                 524
ODX     : PA0S in JO21FW at 684 km
Worked World Wide Locators:
JO21:   1   JO50:   4   JO57:   1   JO65:   4   JO77:   1   JO89:   4  
JO22:   2   JO53:   1   JO58:   1   JO66:   1   JO78:   1   JO99:   2  
JO33:   1   JO54:   2   JO63:   2   JO67:   3   JO79:   2   JP80:   1  
JO45:   2  
Worked DXCCs:
DL  :   8   OZ  :   5   PA  :   4   SM  :  19  
Top  QSO-points:
20031118 2053 PA0S           55       55              JO21FW      684
20031118 2049 PA0EHG         55       55              JO22HB      666
20031118 2055 PA0EZ          55       55              JO22OF      623
20031118 2151 SM3LBN         579      559             JP80IO      618
20031118 2006 DL6NAA         559      559             JO50VF      581
20031118 2007 DL0AR          559      559             JO50VF      581