Tnx all QSO's
Condx not so good, rain/snow front in end of contest
Only one OH heard (6QR) (OH0A not counted, hi), and only one SM1
Great with the airplane reflexions, wkd 7ECM, 6DJH, 6AFV and 7GEP,
all with rather nice strength. SK6EI and SM6QA on tropo.
Heard SM4RPP in the end on same reflexion as 7GEP, but too short
reflexion for second QSO.
cu next tuesday on microwave and a little 50M
lennart - SM3BEI
Comment on contest NAC 1.3GHz Contest             de SM3BEI
Tnx fina QSO'n, condx svaga, men kul med många flygplansreflexer!!
SM4RPP kom igenom just i sluttampen, men hanns ej med, för kort
reflextid. Inga OH2 hörda. Cu nästa tisdag Mikrovåg (o lite 50M).
Lennart - SM3BEI - JP81NG
Contest: NAC 1.3GHz Contest                Call: SM3BEI
Section: A                                 Loc : JP81NG
                                           Date: 20031118
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |   13114 |  26   7714 |   0 |  18   5400 | SM7ECM       663 |
Station description :
1.3G : TS790, 125W Out, 4x55 el Tonna, NF 0,6 dB

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20031118 1927 SM7ECM         JO65NQ 1.3G CW     663 202
 2  20031118 1834 SK7CA          JO86DQ 1.3G CW     512 186
 3  20031118 1942 SM6AFV         JO67GQ 1.3G CW     475 215
 4  20031118 1822 ES2RJ          KO29JN 1.3G CW     462 111
 5  20031118 1940 SM6DJH         JO58PI 1.3G CW     460 228
 6  20031118 2154 SM7GEP         JO77IP 1.3G CW     426 200
 7  20031118 2027 SM1NJC         JO97DO 1.3G CW     414 170
 8  20031118 1913 OH6QR          KP22BN 1.3G CW     394  66
 9  20031118 1950 SK6EI          JO68VK 1.3G CW     366 212
10  20031118 1829 SM6QA          JO78FM 1.3G SSB    340 207
Worked Locator
JO58: 1 JO65: 1 JO67: 1 JO68: 1 JO77: 1 JO78: 1 JO79: 2
JO86: 1 JO89: 5 JO97: 1 JO99: 2 JP70: 2 JP80: 1 JP90: 1
JP92: 1 KO29: 1 KP03: 2 KP22: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  :23 ES  : 1 OH  : 1 OH0 : 1
MODE: SSB=15% CW=84%
PROP: TR=100%
LOGGER 1.17 (http://welcome.to/logger) by Ulf/SM0LCB