Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest          de SM0DFP
Heard OZ2TG several times on 2G3 during the evening, finally we made it
with the help of a good airplane reflexion. CWNR SM4DHN on 2G3 in
spite of 579 signals. In the last minutes of the contest, heard SM6AFV
on 5G7 but I was too weak for QSO at his end. Apart from the airplanes,
not much of conds this evening.
Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SM0DFP
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89VL
                                           Date: 20040323
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  2.3G |    9490 |  10   5990 |   0 |   7   3500 | SK7MW        536 |
|  5.7G |   10240 |   8   7240 |   0 |   6   3000 | SM7MW        536 |
|   10G |    8680 |   7   6680 |   1 |   4   2000 | SK7MW        536 |
|   24G |    1372 |   3    372 |   0 |   2   1000 | SM0SBI        37 |
|   47G |     577 |   1     77 |   0 |   1    500 | SM5QA         11 |
| MULTI |   30359 |  29  20359 |   1 |  20  10000 |                  |