Comment on contest NAC 1.3GHz Contest             de SM6AFV
Good start the first hour but then no stations for one hour. Poor
conditions. Felt handicaped with no cluster available at the new test-
Contest: NAC 1.3GHz Contest                Call: SM6AFV
Section: A                                 Loc : JO67GQ
                                           Date: 20040615
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |    8458 |  16   2958 |   0 |  11   5500 | DJ8MS        432 |
Station description :
1.3G : TS850, Tranceiver, 225W, 0,5 dB NF, 67el yagi

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20040615 1737 DJ8MS          JO63CT 1.3G CW     432 183
 2  20040615 1825 SK0UX          JO99BM 1.3G CW     383  55
 3  20040615 2002 SM7EOI/P       JO86GQ 1.3G CW     266 113
 4  20040615 1709 SK7MW          JO65MJ 1.3G CW     257 173
 5  20040615 1735 OZ6OL          JO65DJ 1.3G CW     256 184
 6  20040615 1713 OZ9KY          JO45VX 1.3G CW     254 223
 7  20040615 1801 LA2Z           JO59EJ 1.3G CW     228 327
 8  20040615 1704 SM7ECM         JO65NQ 1.3G CW     226 171
 9  20040615 1841 SM6QA          JO78FM 1.3G CW     146  50
10  20040615 2038 SM7GEP         JO77IP 1.3G CW     129  91
Worked Locator
JO45: 1 JO57: 1 JO58: 2 JO59: 1 JO63: 1 JO65: 3 JO67: 3
JO77: 1 JO78: 1 JO86: 1 JO99: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  :12 OZ  : 2 DL  : 1 LA  : 1
MODE: SSB=6% CW=93%
PROP: TR=100%
LOGGER 1.18 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB