All QSOs were made on CW (of course!) QRV during the first hour, then I drove across the island visiting SM1FMT/P at his 10 GHz-QTH.
CU all on 144 MHz on Tuesday. Me and my afther will be active as SM1W from JO96BW.
73 de Eric - SM1TDE
Contest: NAC 50 MHz                        Call: SM1TDE
Section: A                                 Loc : JO97II
                                           Date: 20040727
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|   50M |   22134 |  24  11634 |   0 |  21    10500          | OH1MLZ       745 |
Responsible operator :
Eric                                      Phone:                         
                                          BBS  :                         
                                          Club : SK1BL                   
Station description :
 50M : Kenwood TS-570S, 5 el YAGI, 200W ERP
I hereby certify that this station was operated within the rules
and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.
LOGGER 1.17  DATE: ............ SIGNED .........................
Date     Time Call           Tx  Rx  Loc    Bnd  Mod  LDM Pnts
20040727 1704 LA1V           55A 55A JO49UF  50M CW   LD    566
20040727 1705 OH6QR          59A 57A KP22BN  50M CW   LD    653
20040727 1706 SM3VAC         55A 55A JP83VA  50M CW   LD    633
20040727 1708 SM0BSO         55A 53A JO99BG  50M CW   L     216
20040727 1710 OH1MLZ         53A 53A KP23CL  50M CW   L     745
20040727 1712 OH4BNP         55A 57A KP21WM  50M CW   L     615
20040727 1714 OH3LV/4        51A 55A KP21VJ  50M CW         602
20040727 1715 LY2MW          55A 57A KO24PS  50M CW   LD    500
20040727 1717 OH3XA          59A 57A KP21GA  50M CW         526
20040727 1719 LA8HGA         53A 54A JO58AX  50M CW   L     540
20040727 1719 OH1NOR         59A 57A KP00XL  50M CW   L     395
20040727 1720 LA8WF          55A 55A JO59GV  50M CW   L     551
20040727 1722 OH1BS          59A 59A KP10AL  50M CW   L     397
20040727 1723 ES1CW          55A 57A KO29HK  50M CW   LD    416
20040727 1724 SM6C           55A 55A JO78FM  50M CW   L     283
20040727 1728 SM0LQB         599 559 JO89XK  50M CW   L     236
20040727 1732 OH0JFP         59A 55A KP00AB  50M CW    D    311
20040727 1735 SK4WV          59A 55A JP70AM  50M CW   L     443
20040727 1736 OH0HEY         59A 59A JP90WT  50M CW   L     391
20040727 1737 OH6YF          59A 59A KP20CI  50M CW   L     460
20040727 1738 OZ2LD          59A 55A JO54TU  50M CW   LD    520
20040727 1739 LA5LJA         59A 59A JP50PU  50M CW   L     575
20040727 1742 OZ9PP          55A 44A JO47VA  50M CW   L     539
20040727 1748 OH3XR          59A 59A KP11TH  50M CW   L     521
LOGGER 1.17 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB