Comment on contest NAC 1.3GHz Contest             de SK0UX
Conds on the bad side this time. 4 or 5 qso:s less then during a "normal"
contest. We missed 2 station we knew were qrv, SM2R, we tried
but absolutely nothing heard in either direction. SK4AO, we spent a lot
of time cq:ing and listening in their direction but no result.
When OZ2LD moved to 1296.270 we managed to work him right away, despite
the bad conds. It would have been impossible in the noise around 200
this contest!
73:s /Hans SM0MXO and Viljo/ES5PC
Contest: NAC 1.3GHz Contest                Call: SK0UX
Section: A                                 Loc : JO99BM
                                           Date: 20040921
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |   22513 |  36  10513 |   0 |  24  12000 | OZ2LD        650 |
Station description :
1.3G : 6m dish 350w and/or 2m dish 100w

DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20040921 2207 OZ2LD          JO54TU 1.3G CW     650 220
 2  20040921 2050 OZ9KY          JO45VX 1.3G CW     632 235
 3  20040921 2145 OZ6OL          JO65DJ 1.3G SSB    576 220
 4  20040921 2107 SK7MW          JO65MJ 1.3G SSB    550 216
 5  20040921 2105 SM7ECM         JO65NQ 1.3G CW     520 217
 6  20040921 2003 SM2DXH         KP03CU 1.3G CW     495  12
 7  20040921 2006 SK2AT          KP03BU 1.3G CW     494  11
 8  20040921 1949 OH6QR          KP22BN 1.3G CW     468  41
 9  20040921 2103 SM6DJH         JO58PI 1.3G CW     413 255
10  20040921 2010 OH2AXH         KP20OK 1.3G SSB    407  72
Worked Locator
JO45: 1 JO54: 1 JO58: 1 JO65: 3 JO67: 1 JO77: 1 JO78: 1
JO79: 3 JO86: 1 JO88: 1 JO89: 2 JO97: 1 JO99: 3 JP60: 1
JP70: 2 JP80: 1 JP81: 1 JP90: 1 JP92: 1 KO29: 2 KP00: 1
KP03: 2 KP20: 3 KP22: 1
Worked DXCC
SM  :25 ES  : 2 OH  : 4 OZ  : 3 OH0 : 2
MODE: SSB=30% CW=69%
PROP: TR=100%
LOGGER 1.19 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB