To: ; Subject: [VUSHF] Test report LA1T 2m - September Date: den 9 september 2004 12:35 Comments: Conds most of the time "blocked" to the south - hrd some DX but they were mostly working east-west. In the last 40-45 mins it finally opened a little to G. Contestreport LA1T Locator: JO59FB Total pts: 60538 No. of qsos worked: 99 Tr: 99 Au: 0 USB: 84 CW: 15 No. of dxccs worked: 8 No. of squares worked: 44 DXCCS worked: DL(8) G(8) LA(10) ON(1) OZ(15) PA(5) SM(51) SP(1) SQUARES worked: IO90( 2) IO91( 3) JO00( 1) JO02( 1) JO03( 1) JO11( 1) JO20( 1) JO21( 1) JO22( 2) JO30( 1) JO31( 1) JO32( 1) JO38( 1) JO43( 2) JO45( 2) JO46( 3) JO47( 1) JO48( 2) JO51( 2) JO54( 1) JO55( 1) JO56( 3) JO57( 6) JO58( 3) JO59( 7) JO64( 1) JO65( 3) JO66( 3) JO67( 6) JO68( 5) JO69( 4) JO76( 1) JO77( 3) JO78( 2) JO79( 4) JO87( 1) JO88( 2) JO89( 1) JO94( 1) JO96( 1) JO97( 3) JO99( 2) JP70( 3) JP80( 3) TOP 10 qso points: 20:55 G7RAU 559 559 IO90IR 1190 km 20:17 G4BWG 519 529 IO90WU 1133 km 20:13 M5FUN 529 559 JO00DX 1106 km 20:40 G0BBB 52 52 IO91PK 1102 km 20:52 G4AJC 559 559 IO91VJ 1086 km 20:43 M5BXB 55 57 IO91XR 1049 km 18:33 ON4IQ 539 529 JO20AR 1013 km 20:51 G4SWX 599 599 JO02PB 967 km 18:38 DF7KF 559 539 JO30GU 946 km 19:20 PA5KM 529 559 JO11WL 940 km ____________________________________________________________ This e-mail, including attachments if any, have been scanned for viruses using Guinevere 2 and Norman Virus Control 5.7