1296MHz SM3BEI: Tnx alla fb QSO, Condx över normalt och aktivitet bra, saknade dock några som borde varit lättkörda. Hoppas på condx även till MIKRO- testen ! cu/gl Lennart -3BEI SM6AFV: Condx looked promissing but not many real long distance qso. Missed several stations and no really luck with Airplane reflexions. SM6EAN: Started nice with some propagation over land, but faded and only fair CONDX in total. DB0VC below normal and hard to get into DL without air planes. 73' /Mats SM6EHY: Hi, hrd SM7ECM, SK7MW, LA2Z... OZ9KY God RX för mina 3w... Vy QSB. 73 SM7GEP: Good tropo but low activity PA3CEG 729KM ODX, antenna at 330 masl works good. Will not be QRV in NAC microwave next week. 73 de Hakan SM7GEP SM7HGY: Tack alla för en trevlig testkväll!