Contest: NAC 432 MHz                       Call: SM7ATL
Section: A                                 Loc : JO86EQ
                                           Date: 20070213
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  432M |    4498 |   6   1998 |   0 |   5   2500 | SM3BEI       512 |
Responsible operator :
Ulf Näsström                              Phone:
Capellavägen 19                           BBS  :
39351      Kalmar                         Club : sk7ca
Sweden                Email:

Station description :
432M :

I hereby certify that this station was operated within the rules
and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.

LOGGER 1.21  DATE: ............ SIGNED .........................

Date     Time Call           Tx  Rx  Loc    Bnd  Mod  LDM Pnts
20070213 1812 SM1CJV         559 559 JO97EF 432M CW   LD    136
20070213 1817 SM0FZH         55  549 JO99HI 432M CW   L     325
20070213 1820 SK0CT          57  55  JO89XJ 432M SSB  L     316
20070213 1822 SM3BEI         53  539 JP81NG 432M CW   L     512
20070213 1832 SL0CB          52  529 JO89WI 432M CW         310
20070213 2040 SM4BDQ         529 559 JP80FG 432M CW   L     399

LOGGER 1.21 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB

LOGGER ver 1.21, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.