CallSign : OK1RI Contest : NAC 2007/08 Date : 2007/08/07 QTH : WW Locator : JO60RN A.S.L. : 920 m Band : 144 MHz Category : Single o LOG : VUSC-W Again not miraculous propagation, local thunderstorm, there seemed to be a quite an attenuation to the north - even big guns like SK7MW were quite week. Due to the thunderstorm lousy participation in middle Eu, I have not a single OM, HA, HB9. Only 1 OK !!! - i.e. very few locators. I am pleased with 9xSM and 16xPA, otherwise average. I listened on quite a lot of SMs and most of them just never beam south. For next time, please, when I am spotted try to listen for me, In NAC I have ALWAYS 4x19el. antenna to the NORTH +-few degs. I do believe 20SMs are workable here even in normall propagation - you must just try ! For instance compared to last month - (10xSM) only SK7MW + SK7CY made it twice. Thanks for a QSO and see you next month. 73 ! Jiri OK1RI Nr of QSO : 115 - Dupe's : 0 - Bug's : 0 ------------ Valid QSO : 115 Sum of pts.: 58 256 ODX : YU1BSZ in KN14AD at 961 km Nr of DXCC : 12 DXCC : 46xDL( 17026) 17xOZ( 10206) 16xPA( 8977) 9xSM( 5892) 7xF ( 4510) 6xON( 3742) 6xSP( 2511) 2xG ( 1735) 2xI ( 1508) 2xYU( 1825) 1xOE( 314) 1xOK( 10) Nr of WWL : 53 WWL : 8xJO31 6xJO65 6xJO33 6xJO32 5xJO41 4xJO46 4xJO45 4xJO43 4xJO42 4xJO20 3xJO60 3xJO55 3xJO53 3xJO22 3xJN48 3xJN39 2xJO93 2xJO76 2xJO73 2xJO64 2xJO54 2xJO40 2xJO21 2xJO02 2xJN19 1xKO02 1xKN14 1xKN04 1xJO83 1xJO72 1xJO68 1xJO67 1xJO63 1xJO61 1xJO58 1xJO52 1xJO51 1xJO50 1xJO44 1xJO34 1xJO30 1xJO23 1xJO10 1xJN78 1xJN59 1xJN58 1xJN54 1xJN53 1xJN49 1xJN47 1xJN37 1xJN36 1xJN09 WWL map : ³ JO58 JO68 ³ ³ JO67 ³ ³ JO46 JO76 ³ ³ JO45 JO55 JO65 ³ ³ JO34 JO44 JO54 JO64 ³ ³ JO23 JO33 JO43 JO53 JO63 JO73 JO83 JO93 ³ ³ JO02 JO22 JO32 JO42 JO52 JO72 ³ KO02 ³ JO21 JO31 JO41 JO51 JO61 ³ ³ JO10 JO20 JO30 JO40 JO50 ³ ÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ JN09 JN19 JN39 JN49 JN59 ³ ³ JN48 JN58 JN78 ³ ³ JN37 JN47 ³ ³ JN36 ³ ³ ³ ³ JN54 ³ KN04 KN14 ³ JN53 ³ QSO v QRB ---------------- < 100 3x 100 - 199 4x 200 - 299 3x 300 - 399 18x 400 - 499 27x 500 - 599 27x 600 - 699 19x 700 - 799 6x 800 - 899 7x 900 - 999 1x > 999 0x ---------------- ALL 101 Time QSO Points Av. DX Call N NE E SE S SW W NW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-18 33 15900 481 814 I5BLH/5 8 2 - - 3 3 8 9 18-19 44 22518 511 961 YU1BSZ 12 1 - 2 - 3 13 13 19-20 16 8683 542 867 G4IRC/P 2 - 1 - - 2 5 6 20-21 22 11107 504 852 SM6X 6 1 - 1 - - 8 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 115 58208 506 961 YU1BSZ 28 4 1 3 3 8 34 34 TOP 10 -------------------------------- 1. YU1BSZ KN14AD 961 km 2. G4IRC/P JO02OD 868 km 3. M0HKB JO02OB 867 km 4. YU1SU KN04LP 864 km 5. SM6X JO68SF 852 km 6. SK6QA JO58WB 840 km 7. F5PEJ JN09XT 822 km 8. I5BLH/5 JN53LK 814 km 9. SF6X JO67AJ 765 km 10. F8DLS JN19SE 726 km Remarks: OK1KIM/OL4A contest loacation. Antennas: 1. 6 x 22 el.Y 9.25m boom at 2x3 setup 5.5m apart @ 20m 2. 4 x 19 el.Y 8.3m boom at 2x2 setup 4.4m apart @ 24m 3. 6 x 8 el.Y 3m boom at 6x1 setup 2.4m apart @ 11m 4. 8 x 6 el.Y 2m boom at 8x1 setup 1.9m apart @ 11m 5. 4 x 14 el.Y 7.5m boom at 4x1 setup 3.5m apart @ 11m 6. 3 x 10 el.Y 5.5m boom at 3x1 setup, 3.3m apart @ 15m The height @ is always center of the antenna. All the antennas rotate - but obviously not all can beam to all directions. All the antennas my own design.