Very nice signals over the water, and thanks to SM3BEI and SK3MF for getting me on right QRG for OH6. Could not hear OH6PA, heard OH6MTC but worked only Lasse OH6KTL. After working SK3MF 707km on SSB maybe SM2 could have been possible. / 73 Tommy I'm not QRV 20/7 1296 from SK7CA due to work in SM0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Call | Band | TOTAL | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB KM | | sk7ca | 432M | 17342 | 30 10442 | 1 | 23 6900 | SK3MF 707 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Op: Tommy SM7NZB Station : 432M : FT-726, 170W, 4 x 23el CD Time Call Loc Bnd Mod Pnts ------------------------------------------------ 1736 SK3MF JP92FW 432M SSB 707 1735 OH6KTL KP02OJ 432M SSB 694 1705 SM3AKW JP92AO 432M CW 667 1842 OH1F KP01TK 432M SSB 611 1717 LY2WR KO24OQ 432M CW 603 1724 SM3BEI JP81NG 432M SSB 513 1853 LY2SA KO14LL 432M SSB 487 1847 OH0AZ JP90XI 432M SSB 461 1722 OH0A JP90XD 432M SSB 441 1901 7S5F JP70TO 432M SSB 438