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NAC Open Tuesday - April 2024 Final Scores (Click to show claimed scores) - Rules

Summary -- Total Scores - Show all logged stations
# Callsign QSORMSquare ScoreODX Avg
1.GM4VVX 10X IO78 21 822 9497 Km 1179 Km
2.G3YDY 7X JOØ1 8 025 1362 Km 646 Km
3.SM4POB 4X JP7Ø 5 884 1362 Km 902 Km
4.SAØSTJ 2  JO89 1 220 164 Km 110 Km
5.SM6VFZ 1  JO68 990 245 Km 245 Km
6.SM7HGY 1  JO86 990 245 Km 245 Km

50 MHZ - Section A (multiplier: x1) - Show all logged stations in this section
# Callsign QSOSquare ScoreODX Avg
1.GM4VVX 9 IO78 20 143 9497 Km, A2NEW/KG25AX 1738 Km
2.G3YDY 7 JOØ1 8 025 1362 Km, SM4POB/JP7ØWL 646 Km
3.SM4POB 3 JP7Ø 4 205 1362 Km, G3YDY/JOØ1FQ 902 Km
4.SAØSTJ 2 JO89 1 220 164 Km, SM4POB/JP7ØWL 110 Km

70 MHZ - Section B (multiplier: x1) - Show all logged stations in this section
# Callsign QSOSquare ScoreODX Avg
1.SM4POB 1 JP7Ø 1 679 1179 Km, GM4VVX/IO78TA 1179 Km
2.GM4VVX 1 IO78 1 679 1179 Km, SM4POB/JP7ØWL 1179 Km

432 MHZ - Section E (multiplier: x2) - Show all logged stations in this section
# Callsign QSOSquare ScoreODX Avg
1.SM6VFZ 1 JO68 990 245 Km, SM7HGY/JO86DR 245 Km
2.SM7HGY 1 JO86 990 245 Km, SM6VFZ/JO68MB 245 Km

Map of logs received. (nn) indicates claimed QSOs. Show all logged stations